We find that when people are in a place of serenity, with awesome scenery, the sounds of running water or simply watching animals out in the open, they tend to discern a stirring that takes place within their soul.

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Case Study
Bush Therapy is the concept we took from our everyday life in nature. The name bush in South Africa, means an area away from civilization surrounded by indigenous trees, shrubs, and grasses, it is usually associated with bushveld and wild animals.
Our experience of being out in nature, observing creation and the complex ecosystems has allowed us to be a part of a very rich life of freedom, space, cruelty and beauty.
It is no wonder that the more time we spend in the natural world the more we receive, peace of mind and contentment.Bush Therapy is a way for us to reach out to hurting people, people who have lost a loved one, or are going through a difficult time, mentally or spiritually. We consider each person according to what they are going through, what has happened in their past and then we suggest venues for them to go to, to be surrounded by nature, behold the creation and allow the Creator to give them inner healing.
We find that when people are in a place of serenity, with awesome scenery, the sounds of running water or simply watching animals out in the open, they tend to discern a stirring that takes place within their soul. It is in these moments; when we do not have four walls to hide behind, a TV to stare into or work and people to distract us; that we can get back to basics and see our selves for who we are. From there, you can take from nature that which becomes your foundation on which to re-build your life. The bush rejuvenates a tired body, uplifts the soul and strengthens your mind.
We also take know-it-all teenagers and offer them experiences in the bush and leave them with a thought on which to ponder in the hope of stimulating their deeper personality!