The dragonfly, damselfly, mayfly and wisp.
December 15th, 2019, posted in Creatures Great & Small, Educating YouOur FGASA field guides tell us dragonfly wings are typically held at right angles to their bodies, whilst damselfly wings are typically held parallel to the abdomen, whilst the mayfly and wisp are daintier. We recommend getting books (A guide to the dragonflies and damselflies of South Africa ) and papers ( https://www.sanbi.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/sanbibiodiveristyseries21.pdf ) about these beautiful flying creatures.
Mystacidium and mystic skies
November 25th, 2019, posted in UncategorizedThere is something fascinating about thunderstorms and orchids and in November we got both!
Resurrection Bush
October 31st, 2019, posted in FloraMyrothamnus is a very interesting plant, it looks dead in the winter and then as soon as it rains it seems to come alive!
Hyena hide-out
September 8th, 2018, posted in Creatures Great & Small, WildlifeIt is always rewarding to see a den with little ones, and this sighting of Hyena was no exception!
Lazy Lion
September 6th, 2018, posted in Creatures Great & Small, WildlifeThe following images of a Lion where taken on Thanda Safari.
Elephant a slimmer view
September 6th, 2018, posted in Creatures Great & Small, Wildlife
Elephant browsing in the late afternoon sun
This Elephant looks slimmer than it actually is, the angle of the photo combine with the bend in the road leads your eye to the left.
Note the toenails. This was such a great ending to a lovely day.
Trail FAQ’s
January 17th, 2018, posted in FAQ'sFAQ’s (Frequently asked questions)
What is the best time of year to go on a Trail safari?
Generally the cooler months are easier to walk in so stick to April – September)
What is included in a Trail Safari?
Food, juice, water for your pack bladder/water bottles, a guided experience whilst on trail and accommodation of your choice at night with Dinner
Is there an age limit?
Generally speaking all fit persons between the age of 16 and 60 years are free to book, guests older than 60 years will only be considered on special request and subject to the Trail guide’s approval.
How safe is a Trail Safari?
It is never safe to walk where wild animals walk, this is why the Trails guide is properly qualified and walks with you. A Trail safari is a high risk activity and guests must be aware of the danger of walking amidst any wild animal.
Thorn trees
November 23rd, 2017, posted in Flora, Wildlife
Sometimes, at the end of the day when you are appreciating the thorn trees, gentle giants pass by, it is at these times, when i realise taking time to appreciate the thorn trees can have added benefits!