I think Impala are beautiful!

Impala and lamb resting

pretty buck
In my opinion, Impala are the most beautiful of all the antelope in Southern Africa, they are not cutesy small, nor are they robustly handsome, they are the perfect size, have beautiful faces and proportionate colouring.
In December, you will find many young Impala, born at the beginning of our summer and they are not only beautiful, but these antelope are adorable. You will find these buck to be in large numbers in most game reserves, so photographing them and observing their habits will be easy.
No matter how many I see, I appreciate them all!
Our brief visit to Balule Camp in Kruger, allowed us to see many Impala, some young male rams were horn wrestling, some baby impala were running and jumping, similar to the way young sheep lambs do!

young impala

beautiful antelope