Posts Tagged ‘copris mesacanthus’

Nursing Dung Beetle

October 20th, 2009, posted in Creatures Great & Small

The Nursing Dung Beetle (Copris mesacanthus) has a 17mm body. It has a long rhino-type horn which is why some people confuse it with the Rhinoceros Dung Beetle. The adults fashion soil-coated brood balls from dung.  These are taken down burrows below or beside fresh dung pads.  Some dung is retained as food.

The Male Nursing Beetle

The Male Nursing Beetle

The Name was given to this species of Dung Beetle because the female stays in the nest with its progeny until they are big enough to collect their own dung!

Late afternoon sighting of a male Nursing dung beetle

Late afternoon sighting of a male Nursing dung beetle

Just look at the size!

Just look at the size!
