Posts Tagged ‘new year’

New Years Eve

January 12th, 2010, posted in Uncategorized

Since this is our first post for 2010, I thought I’d let you in our how we spent New Years Eve…

Pieter was working and that meant after a full day of taking guests to view the San Rock Paintings, an afternoon bush walk and a night drive that began at about 21h30, he spent the evening with the guests, whilst I enjoyed the partial eclipse of the moon, listened to the nights sounds of Jackal and Night jars, frogs and crickets.

It is in these moments that I realise, what peace we have, how blessed we are to have a home in the African Bush, under the clear skies and even though the moon may be full, the night’s sky was dark enough to see mars and the other stars, yes, I look forward to the new year and I am thankful for where I am now!
