Posts Tagged ‘rhino’


February 10th, 2010, posted in Uncategorized

I am so sad today. Our neighbouring reserve was attacked yesterday. Two rhinoceros were poached. This is the sad story game reserve owners never want to tell.

An adult female rhino and her sub-adult calf were found yesterday morning, horns butchered off. The position in which they were found indicates that they had been sleeping before the attack. They were under a tree in a game reserve.

Left in the veld, their large bodies side by side, their horns taken into the black market for a reason that cannot be justified!

So now all game reserves in the area are on high alert! Poachers have entered the region, but how do the rangers patrol thousands of hectares? It was full moon so they used natural light and it sickens me that someone else is the instigator.

I wonder, whoever you are out there using rhino horn or partaking in the trade of rhino horn, have you seen how the horn is extracted, have you seen the carcass up close? Get a life.

Rhino rubs

October 30th, 2009, posted in Wildlife

One sunny summer morning we took a game walk and watched some sleepy rhino. The young calf walked up to his mother and tried to suckle while she was still lying down! Somewhere in that intimate moment the youngster must have mentioned to his mother that he was rather itchy.

Take a look at these pics to see what we saw…

sleeping rhino

sleeping rhino




rhino finds a rubbing post

rhino finds a rubbing post

calf tries to copy mom

calf tries to copy mom

aah! that's better

aah! that's better
