Bad drives hardly ever happen but when they do, it’s awful! Taking guests out on a game drive is always exciting in some way or another… However, gale force winds had been blowing all day and every creature went into hiding or at least into the thickest bush to get away from the unrelenting wind making sightings very few and far between. Being someone who loves nature means that no matter what the season or weather is, there is always something to see and to learn about the wild, but on the open Landrover, were guests expecting to see ANIMALS!!!! I suppose there is only so much you can show them from the vehicle, talking about this tree and those berries, these tracks and those nests, palatable grasses and the degree of tannin in an acacia before boredom set in on the back row.
Thankfully the wind ensured a fantastic red sunset caused by all the smoke from fires a far off and the sundowner drinks went down well, my boring game drive came to a complete holt when we spotted a Jamesons Red Rock Rabbit (Hare) and from then on the night drive back to the lodge was filled with beautiful sightings of nocturnal birds, insects and mammals! The guests were not disappointed after all!